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RE: Re: Valid Links?

On Sat, 31 Aug 2024 12:06:40 -0500, Clinton Bunch <cdb_zsh@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I would like to take a stab at a reorganization and updating to use more=20
> style sheet and less tables.=C2=A0 I want to add a dark mode and support =
> for=20
> mobile browsers as well as keep zeurkous request for=C2=A0 text based bro=
> wser=20
> support in mind.=C2=A0

Thanks :)

> (though elinks' partial support of CSS may be=20
> problematic)

Me's always expected for lynx(1) to grow some CSS support, eventually,
so the problem may not be limited to elinks in the future.

On me as-yet-unpublished WWW site, me ended up using a `skunkworks'
combination of CSS for layout (complete w/ proper NAV tags etc.) and
traditional HTML markup for content. Me's tested it in a couple of more
graphical browsers as well and it looks fine.

Perhaps that's the most compatible approach, even if it will propably
ring alarm bells in the W3C validator. 


Friggin' Machines!

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