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Completion for man pages in /usr/local/share

Hi all,

I have some programs installed from source into /usr/local. Several of these
include man pages, but zsh won't  auto-complete man pages in this location.


    > find /usr/local/share/man -iname 'pim*'

But if I type "man pim<tab>", no completion options are shown. Note that man
itself DOES show man pages from this path, and "man pimsync" works as expected.

This is on Alpine Linux edge, with zsh-5.9-r4 and mandoc-1.14.6-r13.

I checked the Completion/Unix/Command/_man, but my this script is a bit beyond
my capabilities. Have I stumbled upon a bug?

Please do CC me; I am not subscribed to the list.



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