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Re: Completion for man pages in /usr/local/share

On Sun 8 Dec 2024, at 08:44, Hugo Osvaldo Barrera wrote:
> I have some programs installed from source into /usr/local. Several of these
> include man pages, but zsh won't  auto-complete man pages in this location.

related to workers/50278

basically (1) mandoc doesn't provide manpath, and (2) _man's built-in
fall-back list doesn't include /usr/local/share/man

bart's fix in master makes it call `man -w` before trying manpath, which will
work better for you

coincidentally i was about to submit a patch for _man to fix some other things
related to this. i will have it fix the fall-back list as well

in the mean time you can add `export MANPATH="$( man -w )"` to your profile


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