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RE: Re: Subshell return codes are discarded during logout?


On Thu, 26 Dec 2024 12:29:51 -0600, sev <sev@sev.monster> wrote:
> I know how mailing lists work, and you're misunderstanding me. For example, 
> the web interface successfully redacts your email address, but it does not 
> mine. I don't think I'm asking for much.

Oh, you mean the archives? That appears to be a bug, then. Not that me
agrees w/ the censorship -- me doesn't mind being held accountable --
but the behaviour should at least be consistent...

> You can feel free to be as outgoing as you want, but that doesn't mean I share 
> your opinion, nor does your anecdote affect my ask. I am not a public figure and 
> my email address needn't be public.

The moment we speak out in public, we're public figures. Are you
suggesting that the zsh-workers list is somehow not public...?

> Rather than "very little" spam, I would prefer to receive zero.

Of course, any spam at all is annoying to say the least. But this is
life, we have to deal w/ sometimes hearing things we don't want to hear,
getting information we have no use for.

> I've managed 
> to achieve that goal in the years I've been running my own mail server, and 
> I'd like to continue the trend.

Well, sure, keep it up! :) Be careful joining mailing lists, though --
hell, for you all you know, *me* could be running an address
harvester! ;)

Have a great day,


Friggin' Machines!

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