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Re: aliases not getting expanded inside functions?
- X-seq: zsh-users 5710
- From: Roman Neuhauser <neuhauser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- To: zsh-users@xxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: aliases not getting expanded inside functions?
- Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 12:44:26 +0100
- In-reply-to: <1030114051008.ZM23680@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Mail-followup-to: zsh-users@xxxxxxxxxx
- Mailing-list: contact zsh-users-help@xxxxxxxxxx; run by ezmlm
- References: <15893.53780.524763.695176@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <20030103185407.GA11836@xxxxxxxx> <15897.15986.562636.628562@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <1030106125404.ZM4660@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <15903.36155.716460.639226@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <1030111184020.ZM11764@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <15906.65149.206767.381472@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <1030113184827.ZM21872@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <15907.12866.732143.310772@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <1030114051008.ZM23680@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / 2003-01-14 05:10:08 +0000:
> On Jan 13, 7:40pm, Carlos Carvalho wrote:
> }
> } >Hrm. I was sure I'd tried it, but on your input I get the same result
> } >you do. Well, there's always:
> } >
> } > IFS=';' eval 'fields=( $=dataline )'
> }
> } Good, and it also works without the eval:
> }
> } IFS=';' fields=( $=dataline )
> }
> } did it for me.
> Er, yes, I'm sure it did, but I think you'll find that after that line
> is finished, IFS remains set to ';'. The `eval' is in there so that IFS
> will be automatically reset to its old value after the command finishes.
Wouldn't this work?
IFS=';' fields=( $=dataline )
That makes the intention obvious IMO.
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