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Re: Adding a prefix to certain filename completions

Bart Schaefer wrote:

> [Aside:  Is it possible for you to convince your mail client not to
> send text labeled us-ascii when it contains multi-byte characters (I
> think they must be Unicode apostrophes?)  It makes it quite difficult
> to read.  I've manually edited them back to ' in the excerpt.]

As Dan Nelson points out, it all seems to be in order.  I don't want to
push it back at you, but perhaps your mail client is being fooled by the
mime-type of the second attachment (which was us-ascii).  Anyway, if
this problem persists, I can live without using fancy apostrophes on
this list.

> On Jul 7,  4:02am, Nikolai Weibull wrote:

> > There's a problem with the +<n> option, though. I couldn't figure out
> > a proper way of escaping the + that is the options name (just using \+
> > doesn't work).

> The + is not the option's name.  The name is whatever comes *after* the
> initial - or + that introduces the option.  In fact, in this case +<n>
> is not really an option at all; really it's a non-option argument that
> happens to be allowed to be mixed in among the options.


> I prefer the behavior of the modified _my_files (which, by the way,
> should probably be renamed _vim_files if this is going to be added to
> the stock completions).

Done.  I modified the function a bit to handle files named +<n> a bit

_vim_files () {
  if [[ $(echo $PREFIX*(N)) == '' ]]; then
    case $PREFIX in
      (+) _message -e 'start at a given line (default: end of file)' ;;
      (+<1->) _message -e 'line number' ;;
  case $PREFIX in
    (+*) _files -P './' $* ;;
    (*) _files $* ;;

This may not be the best solution, though. I kind of hope that there's a
nicer way to test if there are any files having $PREFIX as a prefix.

Thank you for your help,

Nikolai Weibull: now available free of charge at http://bitwi.se/!
Born in Chicago, IL USA; currently residing in Gothenburg, Sweden.
#compdef vim

_vim_files () {
  if [[ $(echo $PREFIX*(N)) == '' ]]; then
    case $PREFIX in
      (+) _message -e 'start at a given line (default: end of file)' ;;
      (+<1->) _message -e 'line number' ;;
  case $PREFIX in
    (+*) _files -P './' $* ;;
    (*) _files $* ;;

local arguments

  '(   -e -s -d -y)-v[vi mode]'
  '(-v       -d -y)-e[ex mode]'
  '(-v -e -s    -y)-d[diff mode]'
  '(-v -e -s -d   )-y[easy mode]'
  '-R[readonly mode]'
  '-Z[restricted mode]'
  '-m[modifications (writing files) not allowed]'
  '-M[modifications in text not allowed]'
  '-b[binary mode]'
  '-l[lisp mode]'
  '-C[make vim compatible with vi]'
  '-N[do not force compatibility with vi]'
  '-V-[verbosity level]::verbosity:((0\:"do not display any messages"
                                     1\:"display when viminfo file is read or written"
                                     2\:"display sourced files"
                                     5\:"display every searched tag-file"
                                     8\:"display files that trigger autocommands"
                                     9\:"display every triggered autocommand (default)"
                                    12\:"display every executed function"
                                    13\:"report every thrown, caught, finished, or discarded exception"
                                    14\:"display anything pending in a \:finally clause"
                                    15\:"display every executed ex-command"))'
  '-D[debugging mode]'
  '-n[no swap file (memory only)]'
  {-r,-L}'[list swap files and exit or recover from a swap file]::swap file:_vim_files -g \*.sw\?'
  '(   -H -F)-A[start in Arabic mode]'
  '(-A    -F)-H[start in Hebrew mode]'
  '(-A -H   )-H[start in Farsi mode]'
  '-T[set terminal type]:::_terminals'
  '-u[use given RC file instead of default .vimrc]::rc file:_files'
  '--noplugin[do not load plugin scripts]'
  '-o-[number of windows to open (default: one for each file)]::window count: '
  '-O-[number of windows to vertically split open (default is one for each file)]::window count: '
  '*--cmd[execute given command before loading any RC files]:command: '
  '-c[executed given command after loading the first file]:command: '
  '-S[source a session file after loading the first file]:session file:_files'
  '-s[read normal-mode commands from script file]:script file:_files'
  '-w[append all typed commands to given file]:output file:_files'
  '-W[write all typed commands to given file]:output file:_files'
  '-x[edit encrypted files]'
  '-X[do not connect to X server]'
  '--remote[edit given files in a vim server if possible]:*:file:_vim_files'
  '--remote-silent[as --remote but without complaining if not possible]:*:file:_vim_files'
  '--remote-wait[as --remote but wait for files to have been edited]:*:file:_vim_files'
  '--remote-wait-silent[as --remote-wait but without complaining if not possible]:*:file:_vim_files'
  '--remote-send[send given keys to vim server if possible]:keys: '
  '--remote-expr[evaluate given expression in a vim server and print result]:expression: '
  '(- *)--serverlist[list available vim servers and exit]'
  '--servername[name of vim server to send to or name of server to become]:server name: '
  '-i[use given viminfo file instead of default .viminfo]:viminfo file:_files'
  '(- *)'{-h,--help}'[print help and exit]'
  '(- *)--version[print version information and exit]'

_arguments -S $arguments

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