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Re: delay in exitting from zsh shell

On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 02:10:07AM -0800, Bart Schaefer wrote:
> However, it might be simpler just to unset the options that cause the
> file to be deduped on shell exit, and e.g. allow it to be deduped on
> shell startup instead.

Okay, thank you for the explanations - I was sure that I am not seeing the
whole picture :) About the solution - is it possible to, for example,
configure ZSH to have alias for "de-fragmenting" such a large history files on

And the problem is that even if I comment out the lines:

#setopt append_history
#setopt inc_append_history
#setopt histignorealldups
#setopt histignorespace
#setopt histreduceblanks
#setopt histsavenodups
#setopt sharehistory
#setopt nohup

it still takes the same (as per my feeling) time as with having those lines in
the configuration. What may be wrong here?

Eugene N Dzhurinsky

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