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Re: why not promote the plague ? (brace|rc|alternative|modern) syntax
On Sat, Dec 14, 2024, at 2:54 PM, Mark J. Reed wrote:
> First, we have the standard syntax that works in any POSIX shell:
> for var in val1 val2 val3; do command1; command2; done
While we're on the subject of parsing loops, here is some amusing
information about how historical shells handle the OG short `for'
loop, which implicitly uses the positional parameters.
> The C-style *for* loop is not part of POSIX, but is common to bash,
> ksh, and zsh:
> for (( init; condition; increment )); do command1; command2; done
As an aside, the separator following ((...)) is optional for all
three shells.
% bash -c 'for ((;;)) do break; done'
% ksh -c 'for ((;;)) do break; done'
% zsh -c 'for ((;;)) do break; done'
> All of the above have an alternative syntax in Zsh that works
> irrespective of the *SHORT_LOOPS* option, where you put the condition
> (if any) in parentheses and the body in curly braces:
> for var (val1 val2 val3) { command1; command2; }
> while (command1; command2) { command3; command4; }
> until (command1; command2) { command3; command4; }
> if (command1; command2) { command3; command4; } else { command5; command6; }
> for (( init; condition; increment )) { command1; command2; }
> repeat $times { command1; command2; }
> NOTE: If the conditional command for while/until/if is a single ((...))
> or [[...]] test, you don't need the extra parentheses around it.
Other than the `for' variants, none of these (or the short forms
below) requires parentheses _per se_. What they require is that
their conditions be, as zshmisc(1) so vaguely puts it, "suitably
delimited". These are all valid:
% if ! ( true ) { print true }
% if [[ x ]] && { false } { print true }
% if true; ! [[ x ]] { print true }
% if print ignored | (( 0 )) { print true }
So wrapping the condition in parentheses is not alternative
complex-command syntax, but merely standard subshell syntax
that slows loops to a crawl and breaks condition lists that
need to modify shell state. Avoid.
> Finally, we have the Zsh "short" syntax, which works only with *setopt
> SHORT_LOOPS*, and *only if the body is a single command*:
> for var (val1 val2 val3) command1;
> while (command1; command2) command3
> until (command1; command2) command3
> if (command1; command2) command3;
> for (( init; condition; increment )) command1;
Short-loop bodies aren't limited to single commands; they are
sublists, which POSIX calls AND-OR lists. For example, this:
% setopt SHORT_LOOPS
% if { false } print foo && print bar
works like this:
if false
print foo && print bar
not this:
if false
print foo
fi && print bar
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