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Re: why not promote the plague ? (brace|rc|alternative|modern) syntax

On Sat, Dec 14, 2024, at 6:36 PM, Lawrence Velázquez wrote:
> Other than the `for' variants, none of these (or the short forms
> below) requires parentheses _per se_.  What they require is that
> their conditions be, as zshmisc(1) so vaguely puts it, "suitably
> delimited".  These are all valid:
> 	% if ! ( true ) { print true }
> 	% if [[ x ]] && { false } { print true }
> 	% if true; ! [[ x ]] { print true }
> 	% if print ignored | (( 0 )) { print true }
> 	%


	% if { true } { print true }
	% if f() { not executed yet } { print true }
	% if () { true } { print true }
	zsh: parse error near `}'

Anonymous functions accept arguments, so the end of an anonymous
function _body_ does not delimit the anonymous function _command_.


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