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Re: Strange bug when completing [ in file names

Bart Schaefer schrieb:
On Jan 16, 11:22pm, Tobias Gruetzmacher wrote:
} $ ls /home/tobias/testcase/file\[stuff
} ---- all expansions

What's the value of your completer style?

You mean this:

zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand _complete _correct _approximate

My guess is that the _expand completer is spotting the '[' and deciding
that it's a pattern character, and therefore generating matches, so none
of the completers that are listed after _expand gets a chance to run.

Hmm, sounds like a could work around this thing by swapping _expand and _complete? I tried that and it seems to work right now, but I don't know what implications on other aspects of the completion system that has...

Greetings Tobi

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