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Re: zathura conpletion for zsh broken

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 11:21 AM Daniel Shahaf <d.s@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Patch attached.

I've asked this before but I'm going to ask it again (and this is not
aimed specially at Daniel or anything):

Please do not attach patches (or anything else) with content-type
"text/x-something" (in this case "text/x-patch").  A remarkable number
of mail clients (or perhaps it's just the operating systems they sit
on) are STILL, even after 25 years, too stupid to understand that the
"text/" prefix means it's OK to display the content without invoking a
special application.  This makes it impossible to view the patch
content without first detaching/downloading it and then explicitly
feeding it to an editor or text viewer.

Also, using text/x-whatever tends to cause sending mailers to
base64-encode the content, so it can't even be read by viewing the
original message source.

If this means not naming your patch files with a ".patch" extension,
I'm sorry.  Rename them ".txt" before you attach them, if your mailer
won't allow you to specify the content-type.  Thanks.

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