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Re: Mirror list

On 9/22/2024 11:55, zeurkous@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
On Sun, 22 Sep 2024 11:51:02 -0500, Clinton Bunch <cdb_zsh@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Also we may want to drop the ftp urls, as the browser gods have=20
apparently declared them obsolete.
While no-one has sufficient authority to issue such a binding
declaration, FTP and WWW browsers have never been an entirely happy
combination; for that reason, me'd have little objection to presenting
the list entries in the more classic form of:


(The trailing slash is optional.)


While I find it annoying when running across an ftp url that the browser now tries to launch an external program, I have to admit, I can't remember the last time I used an actual ftp client.  I've either used wget or firefox.  The mirrors in all the lists have http/s support as well as FTP support.  Other than the ftp command, I can't think of any software that does FTP that also doesn't do HTTP.  But that's my experience.

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