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RE: Re: Mirror list

On Sun, 22 Sep 2024 12:21:38 -0500, Clinton Bunch <cdb_zsh@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> While I find it annoying when running across an ftp url that the browser=20
> now tries to launch an external program,

Client-side issue :)

> I have to admit, I can't=20
> remember the last time I used an actual ftp client.=C2=A0

FTP is far from perfect, but at least it treats files as files, instead of
as more nebulous `documents' (like HTTP does). That's a big reason why it
hasn't disappeared yet.

> I've either use=
> d=20
> wget or firefox.=C2=A0 The mirrors in all the lists have http/s support a=
> s=20
> well as FTP support.=C2=A0 Other than the ftp command, I can't think of a=
> ny=20
> software that does FTP that also doesn't do HTTP.=C2=A0 But that's my exp=
> erience.

lftp(1) demonstrates that from the reverse side, heh.

But as long as there are FTP mirrors (and me frankly doesn't see why
they would disappear altogether at this point), they should be listed.


Friggin' Machines!

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