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Re: Mirror list

Clinton Bunch wrote:
> Do we have a definite list of mirrors?  There are different lists in the 
> META-FAQ on the sourceforge pages, and in the text version in the "FTP" 
> site, different again from the zsh.org main page.

When we migrated zsh.org a couple of years ago, we went through the list
and removed all the sites that had ceased to exist. Not a lot remains.
The META-FAQ likely didn't get updated.

> I noticed the funet.fi site still has 5.8 as the current version, so 
> that needs to be fixed or the mirror dropped.

It could be worth trying to contact them to make sure they are mirroring
the correct rsync address.

> Also we may want to drop the ftp urls, as the browser gods have 
> apparently declared them obsolete.

Yes, I doubt they get much use.

> Another thing, the META-FAQ lists zsh.org in Australia, but the zsh.org 
> homepage says it's in the Netherlands.

It's in the Netherlands now.


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