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Re: [PATCH] use clear-to-end to reduce trailing whitespace

On Sun, Jan 26, 2025 at 2:50 PM Oliver Kiddle <opk@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> the second patch, I notice issues if I fill the command-line with more
> lines than will fit. Then when I move the cursor up, at some point it
> loses the prompt and replaces it with some of the text from the line.
> I would speculate that this is caused by the terminal scrolling by one
> line when that's not wanted.

It could also be caused by the terminal NOT scrolling when expected.
My concern is that patching only here is too isolated and doesn't
consider what happens elsewhere.

That is, if the scrolling code assumes that every line on the terminal
is filled wall-to-wall by using trailing spaces, then it can rely on
automargin effects when moving up or down.  If that's not correct then
there are cases where the whole screen needs to be redrawn, but may
not be.

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