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Re: Rewrite of zsh-newuser-install

Marlon Richert wrote on Mon, Apr 05, 2021 at 17:00:20 +0300:
> I haven't heard anything from Debian's, Adélie's and ALT Linux's Zsh
> package maintainers yet.
> Should I ping them again or just wait a bit longer?

They'll have read your first message to them.  What would be the reason
to ping them again?  Is there an impending code change that would affect
the to-be-pinged downstreams' users, patches, etc.?

Your message to them was phrased as "Please review this patch to the
upstream project".  Pinging such a request could be taken for
entitlement, especially given that patches to the upstream project
should be discussed upstream, and that you've received some reviews
already, including from other downstreams.



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