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Re: Rewrite of zsh-newuser-install

On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 7:21 PM dana <dana@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> People often use completion to find possibilities they aren't aware of ahead
> of time, or to see what the total set of possibilities is. (At least i
> certainly do — it's actually one of the *main* things i use it for.) And since
> this is a config for novices, i'm afraid that we might trick them into
> believing that certain possibilities don't even exist. If they don't know
> they're there in the first place, it will never occur to them to try manually
> entering a _ or whatever before completing.

I have yet to encounter a function, parameter or username starting
with punctuation that was meant for general end user consumption. In
fact, all of the examples I've encountered in the wild appear to have
been named so exactly to discourage the average user from touching

> ... But i also think you have to balance that fear with what's likely to be
> the most convenient for the most people. So i don't know. I am starting to
> feel like there's more merit to it than i initially gave it; i just want to
> make sure we don't confuse or inconvenience many people.

I run a similar config in my plugin zsh-autocomplete and I have yet to
hear any complaints about this from any of its 500+ users. :)

> On 9 Feb 2021, at 05:39, Marlon Richert <marlon.richert@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Actually, I am currently working on a prompt system of my own (not
> > published anywhere yet). But instead of making this separate plugin, I
> > could of course consider contributing this back "upstream" in the form
> > of improvements to promptinit & co. Would that be something that you'd
> > be interested in? I can of course first publish the code, so you can
> > actually see what I'm talking about.
> Like i said, i don't personally use prompt themes, and probably never will, so
> i may not be the one to ask. But ideas for improvement are welcome in general,
> of course

Actually, what I'm making is not a theme or even a set of themes, but
rather a set of tools to make it easier for end users to build their
own custom prompt.

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